Summer League 2024 - Registration Form

All players are required to complete this form and pay the appropriate registration fee before playing their first match in the league.
Player Information
Enter player 1 name
Enter Player 1 date of birth
Enter the player 1 email address
Enter player 2 name
Enter Player 2 date of birth
Enter the player 2 email address

We may publish addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and photographs taken of players on the website. Please uncheck if you DO NOT wish these details to be published:

Team Details
Enter the team name
League Fees
The fee to play in the Aldworth Table Tennis League is £10. Payment can be made through a bank transfer to account number 309-323-15 sort code 23-05-80 or by posting a cheque to Aldworth Table Tennis Club Treasurer. Payment must be made prior to submitting this form. If payment isn't made the team could be disqualified from the competition
I confirm that I have paid through